Serving all of Eastern Laramie County since 1908

Auxiliary Unit 60 greets visitors with smiles and baked goodies

Travelers were greeted with a special treat at the visitors center last Friday. Members of the Donald Eisenhauer American Legion Auxiliary Unit 60 were serving up cookies and lemonade, as well as other helpful information. More than 30 travelers stopped by, during the 1 pm to 4 pm time frame, to enjoy cookies and lemonade. The total visitors at the center over the weekend was 713.

The Auxiliary is at the local visitors center and serves up treats once a month. Their service at the visitors center began on Veterans Day over year ago and has spun into a once a month fund raiser. There is a donation jar set up; however you are welcome to the treats without dropping any money in the jar.

The first time the Auxiliary set up shop was outside. After that, the supervisor of the visitor center, was gracious enough to allow them to move inside the lobby. It has become an event that visitors, whether travelers, or truckers on their route will stop and enjoy the homemade snacks.

Many of the travelers are from other states, and some from foreign countries. Smiles and thank yous have been given in abundance.

There are approximately 24 members of the local auxiliary (some of them not living in the area), they are either the bakers or the greeters. It just depends on individual personality, how they participate. Everything from a wide variety of cookies, to brownies are available when the Auxiliary is there.

Other local organizations are encouraged to participate, on other days as well, by contacting the visitor center and discussing details.

All in all it was a wonderful weekend and the "treats," on Friday were delicious as well.


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