Serving all of Eastern Laramie County since 1908

Resolution 2022-03 Approved by Town Council

Going into new business immediately after agenda approval and the consent agenda, Mayor Justin Fornstrom read the Resolution 2022-03 on the agenda for review and approval. The resolution - “A Resolution amending the Town of Pine Bluffs fiscal year 2022-2023 budget to capture revenue and expenditures related to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) staff retention funds provided by the Wyoming Hospital Association; providing for severability and providing an effective date,” was given further discussion by Kim Patterson, Treasurer, in which she explained grant funds in the amount of $37,503 was given to Emergency Medical Staff through the American Rescue Plan Act and Wyoming Legislature for staff retention of emergency medical personnel. Patterson explained the grant monies is divided up through call volume for EMS and ambulance statewide.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Allie Leitza and was seconded. All were in favor and the Resolution 2022-03 was adopted.

Prior to going into executive session, a concern was voiced by a local citizen Carey Lanning, “First of all I would like to thank the town for turning on the Star on the hill, it’s a longtime tradition and I know its appreciated by many residents of the town and regardless of your religion, its appreciated by many people. My second comment is about the town fiscal responsibility and I know there are a few things in town I would like to address but I am not going to at this time. The one thing I saw happen here about 10 days ago that I think didn’t agree with what I saw. I seen town employees putting up Christmas decorations on a Saturday. I don’t understand that, I think that or I wonder why work schedules or job assignments couldn’t be redone so that - that work could be done at a different time and this stuff could all be done as far as decorating during normal business hours. I think the town residents would appreciate better over sight on this, this would be addressed in future situations. Thank you.”

The council moved on to department reports. Councilwoman Janna Kestner reported that the Pine Bluffs Senior Center started a new program for Caregivers support. No report from Mike “Bubba” Ragsdale was given. Mayor Fornstrom gave a few comments on the Christmas at Home and how well attended it was. Moving to Councilwoman Leitza, a brief report was given with regards to the EMS and the grant monies. No report from Councilman Tom Mohren.

Finishing off department reports were Jackie Fornstrom and Kim Patterson. Fornstrom discussed the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) and is there is assist to get it filed. Fornstrom stated that twice as many applications were filed causing a back log.

Patterson gave a report regarding the sewer lift station. They continue to meet with engineers, but it will be after the holidays when we can get out for bids. “The community master plan for the development out north of town is done with the exceptions of some minor edits Jackie Fornstrom and I are working on.” she stated. “And we should have that at the January 9 meeting for you to adopt.”

She also wanted to address the concerns on potential overtime hours putting up decorations, most of the time we try to get that done during the week, unfortunately we had two individuals that were out ill - one with the flu and one with COVID, so that put our guys behind a little bit and so in an effort to have everything finished before Christmas at Home, they did work some time on Saturday, of the five Public Works employees, only two of them ended up with any overtime due to working on that Saturday. So the timing was just unfortunate with some illnesses that have been shared around the town and staff in general.”

Patterson concluded, “Our town employees Holiday lunch is this Friday at noon upstairs and you (Council) are by Uncle Fred’s.”

This ended the regular part of the town council, and they went into executive session.


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